Why You Should Consider Digital Marketing As A Career

Christmas and New Year Opening Hours 2023/24

Christmas and New Year Opening hours 2023/24

As the festive season approaches, we wanted to share details on our centre opening and closing hours so you know when and where you can find us. 

Please note: All centres reopen as normal on Tuesday 2 January 2024. 

If you have any queries about starting a course in the new year or about a course you’re currently studying with us, please contact maes.info@manchester.gov.uk and our business support team will get back to you as soon as possible on their return. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Other facilities within Gorton Hub may have different opening/closing hours to Manchester Adult Education. Please check them independently. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (Non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Thursday 21 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

All that is left now, is for us to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see you all in 2024.  

Despite evidence that digital marketing is a growing field, nearly 40% of the UK’s working population lacks digital skills. Mark Wright of digital marketing company Climb Online explains that, unfortunately, this isn’t very surprising. Facebook advertising and Google advertising have only been around for 5-10 years, after all. However, economist and former cabinet secretary Gus O’Donnell stresses that the UK could get left behind if it doesn’t immediately become “highly competitive globally” in these new skills.

Industry leaders across the world have been investing heavily in their digital marketing teams, with the 2022 CMO survey finding that digital marketing spending accounts for 57.1% of marketing budgets. Using the latest tech innovations, digital marketing enables businesses to harness unique data, with digital marketing agency Ayima listing skills such as technical SEO, e-commerce SEO, and content SEO among the few that allow companies to stand out from the competition. With the expected development of newer tools from artificial intelligence to augmented reality, it is clear that the field of digital marketing will only grow exponentially in the next few years.

If you still have doubts about the potential of a career in digital marketing, this article is for you. Let’s take a closer look at why you should consider digital marketing as a career below.

Digital marketing is in-demand

To try to bridge the skills gap, the UK government has promised a skills “revolution” by providing opportunities for adults to retrain and “upskill”. The £3 million pilot Fast Track Digital Workforce Fund, launched by the DMCS in 2019, supported over 14 projects in 2020 to boost the digital skills of over 740 Greater Manchester and Lancashire residents. With We Are Digital, they also empowered local residents to find careers in digital marketing whilst providing a focus on soft skills, mentorship, job shadowing as well as technical skills training.

This tells us that a career in digital marketing is well-supported and in high demand across the country. Job seekers in the field will not have a difficult time landing a position, and possibly even negotiating better pay and benefits.

Digital marketers have job security

Job security is a growing concern, especially with how World Economic Forum reports expect artificial intelligence (AI) to replace 85 million jobs worldwide by 2025. Thankfully, digital marketers can rest easy. CEO Grant McDougall of AI brand strategy platform BlueOcean writes that AI is a collaborator, not a replacement. AI will enable real-time personalised marketing efforts at scale and leverage predictive analytics to produce actionable recommendations — all the while reducing the risk of human error. However, marketing will always need the human touch.

Digital marketers are in incredible demand precisely due to the non-compromisable need for human perspective to truly connect with customers. This is what allows marketing to use emotional and relational elements like storytelling, compassion and empathy. To that end, digital marketers are at no risk of being replaced by machines in the foreseeable future.

Digital marketing can be done remotely

Most digital marketing tasks are completed online and independently. This gives digital marketers the ability to work from anywhere, whether under marketing firms or with direct clients. This can be a very enticing work setup for employees who value flexibility and creativity in their day-to-day activities. Among the list of large companies that frequently hire for remote digital marketing jobs include Robert Half International, The Sage Group, and UnitedHealth Group.

With the right preparation, a job in digital marketing can make a very rewarding career experience. Those new to the field can start with our Level 2 courses in digital marketing, while those with more experience can work on upskilling their knowledge with our Level 3 Digital Marketing course, which aims to secure employment within digital and creative industries.

For more skills and qualifications, our courses at Manchester Adult Education are open to every learner looking to develop their confidence.

Prepared by: Jeline Bruesse

Article for: www.manadulted.ac.uk

Why staff with learning disabilities are valued in the workplace

Christmas and New Year Opening Hours 2023/24

Christmas and New Year Opening hours 2023/24

As the festive season approaches, we wanted to share details on our centre opening and closing hours so you know when and where you can find us. 

Please note: All centres reopen as normal on Tuesday 2 January 2024. 

If you have any queries about starting a course in the new year or about a course you’re currently studying with us, please contact maes.info@manchester.gov.uk and our business support team will get back to you as soon as possible on their return. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Other facilities within Gorton Hub may have different opening/closing hours to Manchester Adult Education. Please check them independently. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (Non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Thursday 21 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

All that is left now, is for us to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see you all in 2024.  

With a world centred on optimising work based on entirely able minded and bodied, it can be easy to overlook or undermine those who are different. Learning disabilities have begun to be more recognised in schools to allow for teaching to all children to be more easily accessible and understood, and it’s important to see this progression followed in the workplace.

Having staff with learning disabilities amongst the workforce is a positive factor for all parties involved for a number of reasons. A diverse team allows for a range of different ideas and implemented methods/adjustments to improve staff efficiency and productivity, for example. A successful employer will focus on ensuring all members of staff are working in an environment they feel comfortable and productive in, regardless of if this may vary from person to person. Employers making everyone feel accommodated can allow for those struggling to voice their concerns with the way the company works more freely, boosting employee morale as everyone feels important to contributing to improvement of the workforce, as well as improving and smoothing over any existing issues too.

As someone with a learning disability of any severity, employment can feel daunting and scary. Recent pushes for education, diversity and the end of workplace discrimination is steadily creating more spaces and places for you to feel appreciated, supported and equally sought after for various job roles. Not only this, but it is important to bear in mind your importance and significance to your future employer, and to make sure you have no issue in feeling comfortable to raise your own concerns about any need for additional support, or a different framework to allow you to flourish.

Having a different way of thinking, a different outlook or an ability to learn in new ways, you provide enriching and incredibly important information to an employer of any business. Uniformity should never be held as more significant than productivity in a well-functioning workplace, and this can only mean job roles heading towards a more personalised experience. Whilst an employer may expect certain results from a specific job role, discovering new ways to approach this work and tailor tasks for different people can broaden horizons for making employees feel valued and comfortable, all whilst improving performance. This goes without mentioning the long term impacts involving increased staff morale and staff retention too.

Often overlooked, those with learning disabilities will have had to face numerous challenges all throughout their life that able-bodied and minded people likely haven’t ever even considered. This would contribute to incredible problem-solving skills as well as a persistent, tenacious attitude. These qualities are so important to a working environment and shouldn’t be ignored or undervalued. The time for discrimination is being pushed out, and those with disabilities in the workplace should feel empowered to use their skills and different ways of thinking to their own, and others’, advantage. Take charge, ensure your needs are supported and accommodate to and change your workplace for the better.

How to break into adult education

Christmas and New Year Opening Hours 2023/24

Christmas and New Year Opening hours 2023/24

As the festive season approaches, we wanted to share details on our centre opening and closing hours so you know when and where you can find us. 

Please note: All centres reopen as normal on Tuesday 2 January 2024. 

If you have any queries about starting a course in the new year or about a course you’re currently studying with us, please contact maes.info@manchester.gov.uk and our business support team will get back to you as soon as possible on their return. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Other facilities within Gorton Hub may have different opening/closing hours to Manchester Adult Education. Please check them independently. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (Non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Thursday 21 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

All that is left now, is for us to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see you all in 2024.  

Often we hear about the incredible opportunities that are available or accessible to us, yet still are left ultimately feeling as though they are inaccessible or unaware of how to start climbing that ladder. Adult education and apprenticeship programs are incredible opportunities for everyone at every level, and far more accessible than you may think.

First is an awareness of your goal in general. You may be recently unemployed and seeking a new career path, you may be wanting to explore different avenues of work but struggling due to external circumstances. Either way, knowing what you’d like to learn and how you’d like to learn it is a significant first step. Many education courses can offer numerous methods towards gaining the qualification you require depending on your chosen learning style, your preferences and what fits around your timetable.

Once you have a vague idea of what you’re looking for, you are able to browse courses that are available to you based on your time restrictions, needs and goals. There are numerous courses or plans that will span over months or years, part-time or full-time, depending on you. You can gain qualifications in counselling or ESOL, learn more about subjects you feel you missed out on and many more. Many adult education providers that require in-person structured learning will have childcare services available, for example, to help those who may be struggling with feeling like education opportunities aren’t quite as available to them.

If unsure about what exactly you’re looking for, don’t shy away from the task anyway. Do something that might interest you anyway, or contact the adult education service for advice and help. A useful tool, here to help you can provide support through your journey as well as offering continued and sustained career advice, or general advice surrounding your learning.

Following this, all you have to do is explore the opportunities available to you and, after checking the time commitments, take the final step to enrol. Before enrolment you may wish to speak to a member of the team to make sure what you’re choosing to do is as it says it is, via email or a phone call, which is a good idea to smooth over any concerns and make you feel as secure as possible in your journey forward.

The bottom line here is understanding things are much more accessible to you than you may be allowing yourself to think. Learning, qualifying and skilling up are all within reach to you through an array of different courses and learning speeds/styles, so don’t back down from an opportunity that you may regret not making the most of. Shed fear, doubt or insecurity and explore what you can do to help yourself and continue learning.

8 ideas to improve well-being in the workplace

Christmas and New Year Opening Hours 2023/24

Christmas and New Year Opening hours 2023/24

As the festive season approaches, we wanted to share details on our centre opening and closing hours so you know when and where you can find us. 

Please note: All centres reopen as normal on Tuesday 2 January 2024. 

If you have any queries about starting a course in the new year or about a course you’re currently studying with us, please contact maes.info@manchester.gov.uk and our business support team will get back to you as soon as possible on their return. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Other facilities within Gorton Hub may have different opening/closing hours to Manchester Adult Education. Please check them independently. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (Non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Thursday 21 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

All that is left now, is for us to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see you all in 2024.  

Employees and managers alike understand the importance of a healthy workplace and environment, yet seem to overlook key things that can be done to ensure this is upkept for everyone around. Here are some ideas of things to do to help improve your working environment and personal well-being whilst doing your job, either independently or to be recommended to higher personnel and implemented for everyone.

1. Focus on your surroundings!

A dull, dreary and same-y work environment will only lend itself to making your work feel the same way, and create a sense of dread and tiredness to be associated with your work. Whether it’s requesting investment into improving your entire workspace, or putting some thought into improving your own desk or space, this small step can really help boost your mood when at work.

2. Encourage work-life balance

Often brushed over, or listened to but not heard, maintaining a work-life balance is incredibly important. This can be further encouraged at work by making sure people take their full break time and utilise this to completely stop working; relax by using your break to do something entirely separate from work and what you may enjoy.

3. Manage workload

Well-being in your job cannot be maintained if you’re juggling too many tasks and unable to cope with your workload. Encouraging healthy work expectations amongst your colleagues, making use of delegation and being aware of your own limits are key in not overwhelming yourself with work beyond absolutely necessary.

4. Improve communication

This includes communication through any chain of command to ensure employees feel safe and comfortable to raise concerns, as well as amongst peers generally so you can feel surrounded by people you can talk to and laugh with.

5. Consider mindfulness

Mindfulness and meditative practices have found themselves more discussed recently and shouldne be overlooked. Whether it’s yoga, knitting, making a drink or food, going on short walk or just staying still for a while, honouring yourself with time to relax your brain when at work is key.

6. Think about your lights!

Similar to considering your workspace, the influence of light on your mood and well-being is very important. Sitting at a desk all day, with the majority of your light being from an illuminated monitor screen can only make you feel worse. Windows, lamps and adjusting your screens to light your space better are also very important.

7. Focus on positive reinforcement

Doing your job solely to avoid negative repercussions can lead to feelings of dread or procrastination of various other important things. Productivity and positive attitudes towards working hard can be improved by requesting an achievement-focused attitude from your employer.

8. Write to-do lists

Whilst seeming like another step in your day, having an organised schedule or planner is incredibly important and can remove a burden from your mind at work throughout your day. Planning out what you need to do can improve time management and productivity whilst also reducing your stress and alleviating the worries of feeling as though you’ve forgotten a task or are buried under a pile of work.
These are just a few core ideas to consider and implement at work regardless of what you do, to ensure you’re working as productively as you can and in a positive working environment you can enjoy being in. Reduce your stress, feel better and work better by focusing on your surroundings and expectations of both yourself and others.

The 10 best jobs for people with low qualifications

Christmas and New Year Opening Hours 2023/24

Christmas and New Year Opening hours 2023/24

As the festive season approaches, we wanted to share details on our centre opening and closing hours so you know when and where you can find us. 

Please note: All centres reopen as normal on Tuesday 2 January 2024. 

If you have any queries about starting a course in the new year or about a course you’re currently studying with us, please contact maes.info@manchester.gov.uk and our business support team will get back to you as soon as possible on their return. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Other facilities within Gorton Hub may have different opening/closing hours to Manchester Adult Education. Please check them independently. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (Non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Thursday 21 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

All that is left now, is for us to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see you all in 2024.  

Having less academic or vocational qualifications than those surrounding you, it can feel impossible to get a foot into the workplace in a fulfilling position to boost your career further and help give you the experience you need. On top of using adult education in your favour to improve qualifications, here are some roles that may be available to you despite a lower qualification level.

1. Taxi driver

Using your skills is most important in finding good work, and many forget the job opportunities that arise from having a driving licence. With online services booming, such as Uber and Bolt, entering this career is easier and more accessible than ever, and can additionally allow for working on your own time.

2. Delivery driver

Another way to make use of your car, online delivery services as well as larger Supermarket chains or wholesalers are often looking for delivery drivers. Hours are very flexible depending on the route you take choosing a position, and is again a great way to utilise the skills you may not know you already have.

3. Real estate agent

Many don’t know that this role can be obtained through internship/apprenticeship levels. You can get college level training through an internship with the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA), or the Independent Network of Estate Agents (INEA). You can also contact individual agencies to apply for appropriate apprenticeships. This role may require GCSE level qualifications, however.

4. Digital marketing

Make use of your digital skills! With such a push forward into the digital world, many companies throughout every sector are trying to make best use of online marketing and advertising; this means there are a plethora of position vacancies in every sector for those with computer and social media literacy.

5. Catering service

If you have a passion for cooking or being with food, working in catering is a great and often unthought of option. This can be obtained either through an apprenticeship with an existing company to obtain all of the appropriate food safety qualifications, or a 1 year course to gain a Level 1 Diploma in Professional Cookery.

6. Dental hygienist

Becoming a dental assistant in the UK does require specific qualifications, however this is an online teachable course to get a licence, and this is all that is required to fulfil the role.

7. Fire Fighter

A fulfilling role, becoming a firefighter in the UK often requires having GCSE’s and potentially a driver’s licence too. The rest of the training for this position will be there to qualify you and equip you with the skills you need upon applying.

8. Customer service consultant

If looking for more of a hands-on, face-to-face career experience, this may be the option for you. Depending on where you have most interest or prior potential experience, there are numerous roles for you to be able to work speaking with people daily and offering help and advice, with many positions requiring very little qualifications.

9. Pharmacy Assistance

As explicitly outlined on the NHS website, to become a pharmacy assistant demands ‘no set entry requirements’. This position could allow for a foot into experience in the medical field and profession, and perfect for any with interest in working around medicine.

10. Support Worker

A very fulfilling role, many social working positions have training and continual learning on the job. Some may expect or prefer various qualifications linked to social care, counselling or those similar; many of these are accessible to be achieved online through the use of short courses

10 career choices, all accessible with a varying level of low qualification are listed above, to allow for you to feel as though you have a foot through the door; finally able to get some experience under your belt in a field you have true interest in. Everyone can start somewhere, so don’t let fear of low qualifications stop you.

A quick guide to understanding the benefits system

Christmas and New Year Opening Hours 2023/24

Christmas and New Year Opening hours 2023/24

As the festive season approaches, we wanted to share details on our centre opening and closing hours so you know when and where you can find us. 

Please note: All centres reopen as normal on Tuesday 2 January 2024. 

If you have any queries about starting a course in the new year or about a course you’re currently studying with us, please contact maes.info@manchester.gov.uk and our business support team will get back to you as soon as possible on their return. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Other facilities within Gorton Hub may have different opening/closing hours to Manchester Adult Education. Please check them independently. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (Non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Thursday 21 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

All that is left now, is for us to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see you all in 2024.  

The UK offers a benefits/’Universal Credit’ scheme to help support you if you’re out of work, or struggling on money. This system can be very complex and intimidating often leading to many people left simply opting to not claim on benefits that are available to them. Here is a quick oversight and guide on how the benefits system works, and how this might be important to you.

Benefits in the UK are managed and looked over by a number of governing bodies depending on your situation, but largely the DfC (Department for Communities), as well as smaller Jobs and Benefits offices. The Department of Work and Pensions (DWC) manage Universal Credit across most of the UK. Benefits are also not just for those seeking Jobseeker’s Allowance if unemployed, and are available under numerous financially strenuous circumstances (pension help, disability, childcare, low income, housing and more).

An easy starting point for many is looking at gov.uk’s summary of ‘benefits calculators’. Three independent services are listed: Turn2Us offers in depth information about how to claim benefits, how they may change over time with work, as well as a short questionnaire to help guide how to start your own journey to claim any finances you may be entitled to; Policy In Practice provides a ‘benefits and budgeting’ calculator, to learn more about how budgeting changes may also affect your household income; entitledto also provides a free ‘calculator’.

Benefits are a result of the UK’s tax system, and the stigma often surrounding claiming what you’re entitled to has led to many not applying for what they are owed. Financial support and practical help are both key to helping people across the country improve their individual situations and to have the opportunity to skill up and work upwards without the severe stress of forced, incredibly limited spending. You can apply for Universal Credit online, following the criteria listed on the gov.uk website for eligibility and the laid out application process. You can also find a local benefits advisor (https://advicelocal.uk/find-an-adviser) in order to query in person about the specific benefits you believe you could be entitled to, how you would be paid and how to begin the application process. Claiming benefits can also aid your studying, as all MAES courses are free of chculator’ service to work out the kinds of benefits you could be entitled to, as well as a ballpark estimate of how much this could be. arge for those claiming UC and over 19, allowing for accessible reach to gain qualifications to reach higher quality employment in your future, as well as a path to useful careers guidance and advice.

BenefitsGuide alongside numerous alternative services provide a comprehensive insight into each specific kind of benefit offered in the UK, its eligibility and further information on how to claim.

With the sheer variety of benefits available to be claimed, it can be an overwhelming process to begin to look into. However, it doesn’t have to be one you shy away from. Any level of further financial freedom can lift a small burden off of you, and why miss out on the opportunity to be supported with these means in order to boost yourself further. A number of resources here can
be used to aid your search in what benefits you might be entitled to, how much you can expect to receive and how to apply to claim what you’re entitled to.

Top 5 ways to top up your income in 2022!

Christmas and New Year Opening Hours 2023/24

Christmas and New Year Opening hours 2023/24

As the festive season approaches, we wanted to share details on our centre opening and closing hours so you know when and where you can find us. 

Please note: All centres reopen as normal on Tuesday 2 January 2024. 

If you have any queries about starting a course in the new year or about a course you’re currently studying with us, please contact maes.info@manchester.gov.uk and our business support team will get back to you as soon as possible on their return. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Other facilities within Gorton Hub may have different opening/closing hours to Manchester Adult Education. Please check them independently. 

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (Non-teaching week)
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Thursday 21 December: Open 9:00am-5:00pm (non-teaching week)
  • Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Non-teaching week
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

*Please note that the Library will have different opening times to Manchester Adult Education.

  • Monday 18 December – Friday 22 December: Closed
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day: Closed 
  • Wednesday 27 December – Friday 29 December: Closed 
  • Tuesday 2 January – Friday 5 January: Open 9:00am-5:00pm

All that is left now, is for us to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see you all in 2024.  

Many of us are wanting to find ways to keep on top of the rising living costs. Having to spend more and inflation not being supplemented with raising incomes, it’s a good idea to start looking at ways you can boost your income and have a little more money for saving or spending. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) have published inflation rates in April 2022 with a figure of 9.4%, a 40-year record high, combined with the sky-rocketing cost of gas and electricity. Instead of spending your time thinking of ways to ferociously cut down your budget further, maybe now is the perfect time to start exploring ways you can cover those costs through other avenues you may not have ever considered before.

1. Online Surveys/Mystery Shopping

Companies are always searching for willing participants to help improve and provide feedback on their products/services or aid in the creation process of new developments. There are numerous agencies and websites that provide paid services, allowing for you to simply fill in questionnaires in return for money.

2. Earn on assets you already own

This can really be as simple as signing up on resale sites such as eBay, Vinted, Depop etc. and selling your unused clothing, furniture and various other items to make some money on things that would otherwise go to waste. Sustainable reselling is vastly improved to allow for you to sell with ease, many sites figuring out pricing and labeling of parcel postage for you, too. This can also include sites like AirBnB, making money on larger assets such as home spaces or rooms.

3. Use your skills – freelance!

A good way to start earning more is to play to your advantages. Many of us have untapped skills pushed to the sidelines when you could be incorporating them into your work week – and earning by doing something you love. Photography, art, web design and writing are all frequently requested freelance opportunities. Education and skills services can also help boost your qualifications and skills in your niche to boost your potential in earning through this.

4. Pet/Baby-sitting

Ideal if you have more spare time in the times you may not be working, babysitting, pet-sitting or even house-sitting are all avenues to earn some more money by the hour. Flexible hours are easier to come by, as they are entirely reliant on the family/people you would be working for.

5. Ask!

If in a job position currently – or on the hunt for a new job, always remember to ask your employer too! Many people remain complacent with their salary despite constantly rising living costs, and the current context of the employee’s job market. Negotiate your salary, and be surprised by many employers’ willingness to raise your salary. It’s only fair to be paid what your work is really worth, and it will certainly be more in 2022 than it may have been only a few years prior.

These methods may not all supplement a second income entirely, but can definitely help in boosting your finances and cash every month. It’s often worth exploiting the choices and chances you have for additional money regardless, to reduce some of the burden of increasingly harsh budgeting.