
Black number 30 graphic in a circle

30+ years experience

Icon graphic of a teacher in a classroom with three students

Ofsted Good Provider

Black Ofsted Good Provider graphic

Ofsted Good Provider

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Careers & Progression

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Matrix accredited

men working at a computer in a classroom inside an orange circle frame

2024/25 Course prospectus

Our courses

Explore our diverse range of courses designed to enhance your skills and knowledge. Find the perfect fit whatever your goals.

MAES Teaching Academy

Brand new for 2024/25, the Manchester Adult Teaching Academy is an innovative initiative aimed at fostering teaching excellence in the local community and creating educators for the future. 

The programme provides you with the opportunity to gain nationally recognised teaching/training qualifications that prepare you to teach and train in post-16 education and beyond. 

Teacher talking to two students in classroom

Preparation for Work Courses

Careers, Progression & Next steps

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